Some brown people, some not so brown.

Some Hindu, some Muslim, some Dalit, some Jat.

Some women people, some men people.

Do we even know what all these types mean?


How are all these people different?
KHOJ is about you and about me. Are all people the same?
Do we even know what all these types mean?

How are we different from others? And how are we the same? KHOJ means to search, to discover, to explore.

And this is what we plan to do.Search within for the questions we long to ask, never mind if we do not have the answers.

Explore without for the thoughts and feelings of people around us.

To get to know more. About Ourselves. Our Families. The Neighbourhood. Our City. The Country. Our world.

People, Different People.

Do they have a God? Who is he? Or she? Are they all different Gods?

We know so little about the different Gods that exist. But would we like to know more?

What does God mean to us? Do all of us pray?

Which festivals do we celebrate?

Would you like to visit a mosque, church or a temple, a gurudwara if we took you there?

Often adults do not listen to what young minds and hearts want to know.

KHOJ does. So tune in with us. And stay there.

This website is for all of you.

To share your thoughts through drawings and writings on topics that we do not normally speak about.

Tell us if you like what you read. And also what else you'd like to know.

Remember this is your page.

How was KHOJ born
For the past ten years, we have been involved in an exciting effort to explore and evolve learning methods and exciting exercises to find, admit and confront prejudice.

This exciting programme emerged out of the realisation of the school authorities that while they consciously maintained a plural, diverse and secular atmosphere in the school this did not prevent the surfacing of sharp prejudice when bouts of violence broke out and the adult world was broken up into worlds of 'us' and 'them'.

We urge all visitors to this site to tune in to us, share their experiences and expand the base of the KHOJ family, that accepts differences among children, men and women but believes that discussion and debate are ways of overcoming them. Not violence.